April 12, 2025 I Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park, USA


The goal of this educational activity is to assist physicians and other healthcare providers make better informeddecisions regarding the care of patients with heart failure.
The Inova Schar Heart and Vascular 2025 Advanced Heart Failure Symposium and Schock Symposium will provide a review of best practices in the field of heart failure, including current guidelines, innovative and novel pharmacological andtechnological treatment options, and appropriate approaches to treatment for special populations. The role ofmechanical support, the differences in the types of devices, possible complications, and the latest thinking onsurgical approaches and transplantation will be presented and discussed in detail to assure that physicians andhealthcare providers are aware of criteria and options regarding referral for transplant or mechanical cardiacsupport.
Through interactive lectures, case studies and panel discussions, world renowned experts will present the very latestresearch and clinical trial results with an emphasis on the application to day-to-day clinical practice.


The program will cover the following general topics:

  • Cardiogenic Shock
  • Drug Therapy for Heart Failure
  • Cutting Edge Device Therapy for Heart Failure
  • Amyloid
  • Cardio-Obstetrics
  • Cardio-Oncology
  • Genetic Cardiomyopathies and HCM
  • Cutting Edge Concepts in Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant


  • Describe the identification, prognosis, and management of HF-Cardiogenic Shock.
  • Summarize novel approaches and new pharmacological treatment options in the management of chronic and acute decompensated heart failure.
  • Summarize novel device therapies and their appropriate use in chronic and advanced heart failure.
  • Outline best practices for the referral of patients with advanced heart failure for evaluation for heart transplant ormechanical cardiac support.
  • Describe special considerations appropriate to identifying and treating heart failure in women, specialpopulations, and other subsets of patients with heart failure.

Were you able to find everything you were looking for? If not, send us an email: oconnorihvimeeting@overcome.eu

oconnor@inovaheartmeetings.com OR vbanica@overcome.eu.

0vercome 101317-2-362-min
0vercome 101317-2-628-min
0vercome 101317-2-355-min